Security Consulting Services
U.S. Court Security Concepts, LLC is now offering consulting services. Court Security Specialist Randy Harris is experienced in providing security assessments for court facilities, government buildings, and private business.
Assessment functions may include but are not limited to the following:
Bio: Randy Harris is the Constable for Precinct 4 in Tom Green County where his duties include civil process and law enforcement. His broad experience in law enforcement began in 1979 and includes 5 command positions as the chief law enforcement officer. He holds Master Peace Officer, Instructor, Court Security Specialist, Civil Process Proficiency Certificate, and Crime Prevention Inspector Certifications with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice Administration.
During his law enforcement tenure, Mr. Harris has years of experience in court security operations at the Federal and local levels. This experience includes the participation in planning and operations of the first post 9/11 terrorist trial of the Holy Land Foundation in Dallas, TX and the Warren Jeffs FLDS trials held in San Angelo, TX.
Mr. Harris participated with TCOLE in writing the curriculum for the Court Security Specialist Certificate program, the TCOLE 10999 Court Security Officer curriculum and has taught many court security classes to law enforcement officers throughout Texas. He currently is serving on the Court Security and Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee for the Supreme Court of Texas.
He has been teaching since 1985 in many areas including firearms, defensive tactics, criminal law, civil law, court security, and management. His students include law enforcement officers, security officers, judges, and court staff throughout the State of Texas, tribal agencies, and other states. Mr. Harris has been part of the faculty and advisory board with the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center and faculty with Texas Justice Court Training Center. He has served as guest speaker at the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT) at Sam Houston State University, Texas Police Chief’s Association, Sheriff’s Association of Texas, Texas Marshal Association, National Criminal Justice Training Center, North American Indian Court Judges Association, West Texas Rural Counties Association, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
Mr. Harris has worked in the field of security and technology providing security assessments on courts and government buildings and consulting to law enforcement and government entities. He has performed security assessments on court facilities in Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada and Massachusetts.
Randy has held memberships in the Sheriffs Association of Texas, The Texas Police Chiefs Association, The International Association of Chiefs of Police, Texas Municipal Police Association, Texas JP and Constable Association, Texas Crime Prevention Association, The National Sheriffs Association, Texas Marshals Association, The International Court Security Association, and the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS).
Please go to our "Contact Us" tab and send us a note if you are interested in our services.
Security Consulting Services
U.S. Court Security Concepts, LLC is now offering consulting services. Court Security Specialist Randy Harris is experienced in providing security assessments for court facilities, government buildings, and private business.
Assessment functions may include but are not limited to the following:
- On site evaluation
- Policy evaluation
- Building plan evaluation
- Assessment report on completion
Bio: Randy Harris is the Constable for Precinct 4 in Tom Green County where his duties include civil process and law enforcement. His broad experience in law enforcement began in 1979 and includes 5 command positions as the chief law enforcement officer. He holds Master Peace Officer, Instructor, Court Security Specialist, Civil Process Proficiency Certificate, and Crime Prevention Inspector Certifications with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice Administration.
During his law enforcement tenure, Mr. Harris has years of experience in court security operations at the Federal and local levels. This experience includes the participation in planning and operations of the first post 9/11 terrorist trial of the Holy Land Foundation in Dallas, TX and the Warren Jeffs FLDS trials held in San Angelo, TX.
Mr. Harris participated with TCOLE in writing the curriculum for the Court Security Specialist Certificate program, the TCOLE 10999 Court Security Officer curriculum and has taught many court security classes to law enforcement officers throughout Texas. He currently is serving on the Court Security and Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee for the Supreme Court of Texas.
He has been teaching since 1985 in many areas including firearms, defensive tactics, criminal law, civil law, court security, and management. His students include law enforcement officers, security officers, judges, and court staff throughout the State of Texas, tribal agencies, and other states. Mr. Harris has been part of the faculty and advisory board with the Texas Municipal Courts Education Center and faculty with Texas Justice Court Training Center. He has served as guest speaker at the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas (LEMIT) at Sam Houston State University, Texas Police Chief’s Association, Sheriff’s Association of Texas, Texas Marshal Association, National Criminal Justice Training Center, North American Indian Court Judges Association, West Texas Rural Counties Association, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
Mr. Harris has worked in the field of security and technology providing security assessments on courts and government buildings and consulting to law enforcement and government entities. He has performed security assessments on court facilities in Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada and Massachusetts.
Randy has held memberships in the Sheriffs Association of Texas, The Texas Police Chiefs Association, The International Association of Chiefs of Police, Texas Municipal Police Association, Texas JP and Constable Association, Texas Crime Prevention Association, The National Sheriffs Association, Texas Marshals Association, The International Court Security Association, and the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS).
Please go to our "Contact Us" tab and send us a note if you are interested in our services.